Healthy Joints

by lrmetcalfe

jointsIf you suffer from the pain and discomfort of a joint problem, you may find that at this time of year, as the environment gets colder and damper, your issues worsen. There are a few simple steps you can take to improve joint problems…

Glucosamine Hydrochloride, is a supplement commonly used by those suffering from joint problems. Glucoasmine is a precursor for glycosaminoglycans, a major component of joint cartilage, by encouraging healthy cartilage, arthritic conditions may improve.
Glucosamine, is available in a tablet and liquid form, as well as in topical creams and gels; it is often coupled with other joint protective nutrients, including MSM, Chondroitin and Omega 3.

Oily Fish & Omega 3
Eating three portions of oily fish or taking an Omega 3 supplement daily, could improve your joint problems. Omega 3, an essential fatty acid found in oily fish, has anti-inflammatory properties, and can help to reduce the inflammation associated with joint problems.

Fish high in Omega 3 include: sardines, mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, anchovies. For some delicious recipes including omega 3 check out our article…Getting Fishy.
Alternatively, vegetarian sources of Omega 3 include linseeds, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, almonds and walnuts.

Joint friendly foods

Eating a healthy diet is essential, sufferers of joint problems who are overweight or obese, may find their condition improves if they change their diet and lose weight; the additional body-weight places extra strain on the joints.

Studies show that acid-forming foods including meat, alcohol and refined carbohydrates can acerbate arthritic conditions; increasing alkalising foods such as green vegetables and whole-grains (brown rice, millet, amaranth, spelt, barley and quinoa) may help. Eating three portions of oily fish each week may be beneficial too.

Try avoiding caffeine and swapping your coffee fixes for herbal teas, which naturally support joint health, such as, nettle or ginger tea.  To maintain healthy bones, ensure your diet is rich in calcium; look for low-fat dairy products, calcium can also be found in green leafy vegetables, dried fruit, tofu and yoghurt.

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium, it can be found in eggs, milk and oily fish, however, most vitamin D is made in the skin in response to sunlight, take a short walk each day to top up your vitamin D levels.

Gentle exercise
When your joints are aching, it is difficult to find the motivation to exercise, however doing a small amount of gentle exercise each day may help, try swimming, tai chi or walking.

Topical remedies  

I believe that a topical remedy alone will not make a vast amount of difference, however combining this with the correct diet, exercise regime and supplements could help. There are many topical arthritis remedies on the market, however I have received a lot of positive feedback from the following remedies:

Glucosamine Gel

A topical form of the more commonly used Glucosamine supplement, many arthritis sufferers report positive results from this gel.

Perskindol Gel

Ideal for sports injuries, this cooling menthol gel helps to relieve muscle pain and has a pain-killing effect.


Available in a cream, lotion or gel, Arnica is a traditional herbal remedy which has an anti-inflammatory effect. A natural alternative to ibuprofen gel, it can be used for a variety of joint problems, relieving pain and stiffness. Can be used for sporting injuries as well as arthritis.

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